Marketing Plan
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Marketing focused on people, not consumers
At Ergo Consulting we firmly believe that the marketing, sales and service process must be focused on all dimensions of people . That is why, with different tools, we work on marketing plans that take the person by the hand during their processes of approaching the brand, generating interest, carrying out an action and finally until reaching the "loyalty" of the same towards the brand.
For this we use various consulting tools but also tactics such as promotion on social networks, construction of the customer journey , search engine positioning (SEO plan), investment in networks to generate conversions, leads , followers or interaction; BTL and ATL media plan, among others.

Success stories
We present you some success stories of our clients.

Instituto de Medicina Regenerativa
Regenerative Medicine Course Campaign 2019-2020

Se elaboró una landing page con todo el proceso de pago para lograr conversiones efectivas, mismo sitio que se usó para registro de asistentes y control de ingresos.

Se trabajó en la imagen, copys, segmentación y funnel de ventas

Como parte de la estrategia post-venta, se realizaron tarjetas para acceder al material del curso.

Se elaboró una landing page con todo el proceso de pago para lograr conversiones efectivas, mismo sitio que se usó para registro de asistentes y control de ingresos.
The Institute for Regenerative Medicine is an advanced center for research and training in regenerative medicine, cell therapy, and anti-aging.
The Consultancy collaborated in the planning, image creation and promotion of a Course in Regenerative Medicine from the development of a landing page, a strategy on Facebook and Instagram, elaboration of the graphic identity of the event and the payment system and doctor registration.
Result :

Effective segmentation in social networks

A conversion of 15%

High converting landing page

Two events with goals achieved

Collection system, payment in months and check-in to the event

Design of institutional protocols

Universidad Iberoamericana León
Open House 2020 Campaign

Se realizó un análisis y una propuesta de intervención detallada

Se realizó un customer journey map y una estrategia de touchpoint para establecer con claridad el tono y los canales.

Se realizó una producción audiovisual para el evento.

Se realizó un análisis y una propuesta de intervención detallada
Ibero León is one of the most important universities in the Bajío and belongs to the Society of Jesus.
Every year the university holds its most important promotional event called Open House, where they invite more than a thousand high school students to learn about their educational offerings. The Consultancy was invited to transfer the physical experience to the virtual one, resulting in a webinar model and a massive high-attendance event.
Result :

Webinar model and platform

Cutsomer journey and touchpoint strategy crafting

Design and implementation of massive event

Production and post-production of audiovisual event

Training for university promoters

Scope of the established goal

Festival de Fotografía Internacional en León
Campaign Expo FFIEL 2019

Se realizó una landing page diseñada para generar conversiones.

Como parte de la estrategia del funnel de ventas, se propuso una campaña de marketing de contenido con la distribución gratuita de un e-Book.

Se realizó una landing page diseñada para generar conversiones.
FFIEL is one of the most important national photography competitions and the most important in the Bajío.
We collaborated for the Expo FFIEL 2019 social media campaign to attract new potential customers, generate leads and, above all, achieve conversion, with user registration for the event. A sales funnel of several steps was generated, a landing page and several audiovisual products were created for a campaign on Facebook and Instagram.
Result :

Nourished attendance at the event

Payment, reservation and check-in system for the event

Strategic funnel




Instituto Oiedo
Admissions campaign 2017 and 2018

Se realizó el concepto, se acompañó a la empresa que tomó las fotografías y se realizaron contratos con medios de comunicación como espectaculares y prensa escrita.

Parte del proyecto de admisiones fue renovar el sitio web para que fuera más pertinente y actualizado.

Parte del proyecto consideró la elaboración de papelería identitaria al concepto de admisiones.

Se realizó el concepto, se acompañó a la empresa que tomó las fotografías y se realizaron contratos con medios de comunicación como espectaculares y prensa escrita.
Instituto Oiedo is a basic and upper secondary education school that in recent years has taken a lot of momentum and doubled its school enrollment, in addition to a notable expansion in facilities and academic and extra-curricular offerings.
From the Consultancy, we collaborated in the realization of a media plan, generation of the campaign concept, sales funnel and attraction of new potential clients.
Result :

Two successful campaigns

Positioning in the city of León

Consistent and orderly graphic system

Landing page development

Achievement of goals
